Foreigners Out, Saudis In

Prince Muhammad's goal is to find jobs for young Saudi Arabians, especially because half of them are unemployed. There is some downfall though with this new goal. Labor is becoming more expensive if you hire Saudis compared to the cheap labor payed to a foreigner, also they do not get as much done either. I think that Prince Muhammad has great intentions with this plan, however it is really hurting firms across the country.
To get his plan in order, the prince has dumped monthly payments on migrants based on their family size and the people who hire them. Prince Muhammad has also set rules that migrants are not allowed in twelve sectors of the economy. I feel like this action is a little extreme, nobody should be banned from specific economy sectors, even if it will help reduce costs.


  1. This plan to try and help out Saudi Arabians seems not planned out and that no one has thought through what the outcomes are. I see that the Prince Muhammad's intentions are a great start to getting this issue turned around but it might be in his best interest to reevaluate his plan of action to get things running smoothly.


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